Major news for those following: I got my resume to upload (semi?) correctly under the resume tab! Google is formatting it a bit oddly, but at least we can see it.
"Why is this not a more common thing to do"
It is quite common, which is why the first tutorial I found was completely fine and was the approach I should have trusted from the start. No need to get all fancy; if someone really wants to see my resume, I assume I've already given it to them some other way.
Other updates: 404
Also, I made a cheeky update to my website which you may not find unless you're looking for it (or I have a pesky bug I haven't seen myself yet): I changed what the page will look like when a 404 error occurs!
So please, make it worth my time and check it out by messing with the url above. Perhaps try "" since we already know THOSE will never show up here ;). I hope you think that this new mini-feature is as cute as I do!